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SemiConductor for Smart Cities
Les dossiers du SITELESC

Les inquiétudes mondiales causées par le changement climatique et la flambée des prix du pétrole ont suscité un très vif intérêt pour les véhicules électriques et hybrides. Ce segment grandissant du marché automobile est stimulé par le développement de batteries rechargeables de plus en plus performantes, et dont le coût de fabrication en grand nombre

SemiConductor for Smart Cities
Les dossiers du SITELESC
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Automated on-the-fly verification of designs using detector-based methodology
S4D – System, Software, SoC and Silicon Debug Conference, Munich, Germany
D.Dammers, W.Guo, F.Masson, L.M.Voßkämper

Automated on-the-fly verification of designs using detector-based methodology Dirk Dammers, Wei Guo, Frédéric Masson, Lars M. Voßkämper Mixed-signal simulation of systems, i.e. analog & digital electronics with attached peripherals, such as sensors and actuators, already has an essential place in today’s design process. While the verification of the digital parts, mostly implemented in Verilog and

Automated on-the-fly verification of designs using detector-based methodology
S4D – System, Software, SoC and Silicon Debug Conference, Munich, Germany
D.Dammers, W.Guo, F.Masson, L.M.Voßkämper
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D&R announces a New release of its IP CRM station deployed by Dolphin integration

At the SoC Day in Shanghai, D&R releases a new version of its IP Provider Station with emphasis on Customer product Delivery management. Gaining from the experiences in advanced product catalogs supporting dedicated views for design and marketing/sales managers, D&R has applied the same flexible formatting technology for creating IP management panels on top of

D&R announces a New release of its IP CRM station deployed by Dolphin integration Read More »

Innovate in human capital

Depuis 25 ans nous concevons et commercialisons des circuits intégrés à la demande, dont la puce destinée à calculer les commandes de vol dans L’airbus A380. Notre stratégie mise sur l’innovation technologique et managériale. Ici l’innovation a carte blanche… Download this press release

Innovate in human capital
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Challenges of Monitoring High-voltage Battery Packs in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
W.Guo, C.Domingues
June 2011 GSA Forum

Worldwide concerns of climate change and oil supply have triggered great interest in the electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid EV (HEV) segment of the automotive market. This rapid growth segment is also stimulated by the development of rechargeable batteries. As these “green” vehicles are powered by high-voltage (HV) battery packs consisting of hundreds of series-connected

Challenges of Monitoring High-voltage Battery Packs in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
W.Guo, C.Domingues
June 2011 GSA Forum
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COMON – The European Compact Modeling Network
Advance Program IWCM, Yokohama, Japan
W.Grabinski, B.Iniguez, J.M.Sallese, A.Bazigos, D.Tomaszewski, M.Yakupov, G.Depeyrot

COMON – The European Compact Modeling Network Advance Programm IWCM, Jan. 25, 2011, Yokohama, Japan W. Grabinski, B. Iniguez, J.-M. Sallese, A. Bazigos, D. Tomaszewski, M. Yakupov, G. Depeyrot Index Terms — Compact modeling, SPICE, Verilog-A, analog/RF IC CMOS, multiple-gate MOSFET, IIIV HEMT, HV MOSFET, Monte-Carlo analysis, statistical modeling COMON is the European FP7 Marie-Curie

COMON – The European Compact Modeling Network
Advance Program IWCM, Yokohama, Japan
W.Grabinski, B.Iniguez, J.M.Sallese, A.Bazigos, D.Tomaszewski, M.Yakupov, G.Depeyrot
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Silicon Qualified SuperViC: the only way to safe SoC integration
ICCAD 2010, in Wuxi, China
W.Guo, L.Engels

Introduction System integrators often encounter problems on application boards too late in the design cycle, when bringing together Virtual Components (ViCs of silicon IPs) into a system. Some ViC performances may be degraded at higher levels (SoC and PCB), and thus the final system does not perform as well as expected. In other words, assembling

Silicon Qualified SuperViC: the only way to safe SoC integration
ICCAD 2010, in Wuxi, China
W.Guo, L.Engels
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