SPEED IP Platforms

System Platform for Energy Efficient Design - SPEED

SPEED is the response to energy efficiency challenges for AIoT systems

Easier, faster, safer design of energy efficient SoC

Do more with less energy

By 2030, 24B of IoT devices will be battery powered and 5B batteries will be replaced every year (15M units per day!). The exponential growth of needs for greater device interoperability, predictability and performances is challenged by the global need for more energy frugality.

The solution to deal with data deluge, while preventing the increase of power consumed by data centers, is known as Edge AI. This solution consists in transferring most of the processing intelligence from the cloud to the sensor or close to it. It translates into an unprecedented need to increase performances of «smart sensors» or «smart devices» by a factor of 1,000 at constant energy consumption.

With SPEED IP platforms, we are positioned as THE provider of solutions for Edge AI System-on-Chip designers. We enable our customers to do much more with less energy resulting in major benefits on environment.

turnkey solution

SPEED is a turnkey solution which combines analog/mixed signal and digital IPs to enable highly energy-efficient AI-enabled Systems-on-Chips.

power management unit - dolphin design spider


a Power Management IP platform to design an energy efficient power management system in weeks instead of months.

  • IP Family: wide offering of voltage regulators, bias generators, power gating, power controller
  • System-level utilities: power controller configurator, power network architecture utility
Audio IP Platform


an audio sub-system to manage the audio signal from the Voice Activity Detection up to its restitution. Composition
  • IP Family: complete audio chain for sound treatment – Voice Activity Detector, ADC, DAC, digital filters
  • System-level utility: RTL configurator, drivers

MCU subsystem


ultra low-power core agnostic MCU subsystem with sensor-centric architecture and tiny Machine Learning (ML) accelerator on demand.

  • IP Family: peripherals, event manager, low latency interconnects, PMU, DMA, tiny Machine Learning
  • System-level utility: RTL configurator, drivers
DSP Processor


a high throughput general purpose Digital Signal Processor (DSP) with extreme low power consumption. Composition
  • IP Family: up to 16 different cores, low latency interconnects, AI/Machine Learning accelerator,  DMA, event unit
  • System-level utility: RTL configurator, tool-chain

TinyML & Edge AI


a high energy efficient Neural Processing Unit (NPU) dedicated to AI/Machine Learning processing tasks. Composition
  • IP Family: up to 128 processing elements, DMA, host core
  • System-level utility: RTL configurator, tool-chain

turnkey solution
solar impulse

SPEED is labeled as a Solar Impulse Efficient Solution

The first label to assess the economic profitability of products or processes that protect the environment. The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label is attributed following a strict selection process performed by external independent experts. By ensuring high standards of sustainability and profitability, this internationally recognized label is considered as a recognition for innovators and as a credible marker of quality for solution seekers in business and governments, facilitating their sourcing of solutions to reach environmental commitments.

Your challenges for competitivity
  • Embed more functionalities into your chip
  • Deal with more processing data
  • Make your design secure and predictable, reduce iteration cycles
  • Multiply your expert teams producitivity

SPEED IP platforms functionality and performances can be demonstrated on our 22nm VEP test-chip

SPEED IP Platforms
Energy Efficiency without limits


SPEED are differentiating solutions built on state-of-the-art IPs and architectures, customized by unique system-level utilities. These solutions enable configurable energy efficient SoC designs based on our Power Management, Processing and Audio Platforms.

Energy efficient and low power designs are part of Dolphin’s DNA since its inception and we work hand-in-hand with our customers to simplify the design of energy efficient and customized SoCs allowing them to focus on their own competencies and added value.

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Up to x1000 Energy Efficiency

Capture d’écran 2020-04-20 à 15.50.50

Seamless integration

Capture d’écran 2020-04-20 à 15.50.37

Secured design cycle

Evaluate the gain you will obtain by using SPEED IP platforms

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